These are flower drawings made since the start of the pandemic. During the first lockdown period in 2019, when the newspapers were reporting daily on the number of deaths, Spring was more beautiful than ever. It was as if Nature was taking a rest from the planes, the cars and the pedestrians in the streets.
Unable to continue my documentary on the artist Harald Naegeli, I began to draw everything that grew around me with a fine Japanese pen in black ink, which leaves no space for error, and that’s precisely what interests me.
A prima idea. Inside my floral composition, I discreetly introduced representations of the virus and its variants that I’d found on the internet.
This time, I drew on slices of wood usually used at Christmas as decorative objects and then thrown away.
Once the drawing was finished, I scanned the wood and reworked the blacks and whites on the computer and printed it 1:1 on Fine-Art Paper. On one of the two large formats of the same motif at the moment when the war began in Ukraine on 24 Februar 2022, I felt the need to use the colour red like blood with ecoline-inks. On the other, and all around the motif, the new vocabulary specific to Covid-19 is handwritten with a pencil.
The two pieces are presented as a diptych. As the years went by, I pursued my idea of colour, but this time with freshly picked plants rubbed onto the paper. I was able to obtain yellow with dandelion flowers, green and blue with mint, red with strawberry and dark red with lavender.
This series is accompanied by a photo of a woman wearing a virus-proof visor called Frau Persona.
It was exhibited 2023 at the Centre Culturel Français, Freiburg and at the Dorothea Maetzel Künstler Haus in Hamburg.