Nathalie David
artist, scriptwriter, editor & director
born in France, lives in Hamburg and Berlin.
Studied Fine Art at the Villa Arson in Nice and the HfbK Hamburg. Institut des Hautes Études IHE Ponthus Hultén in Paris and visual communication in Hamburg. She is a recipient of the Hamburg-Stipend. In 2003/2004 she received a one-year fellowship at the Potsdam-Babelsberg HFF, Berlin. Since 2003, David has created film portraits of artists and collectors for museums and cultural institutions, describing her work as “at the intersection of exhibition and catalog. 2009, she founds PITCHOUNPRODUCTION. PITCHOUNE means tiny in Provençal language.
As an artist, she thinks in terms of various media – in particular film. Her works include documentaries on art, radio dramas, photography and drawings.