From May to September 2023 at the Kinemathek Hamburg
’Mr Godard had recourse to legal assistance in Switzerland to leave voluntarily, following multiple incapacitating pathologies, according to the terms of the medical report,’ said the adviser to the family of the Franco-Swiss director, who died on Tuesday.” (Le Monde)
It was 13 September 2022. Godard had been about to turn 92.
Faced with the sad news of the death of one of the kings of auteur cinema, I decided to pay him a tribute that I named: GODARD EST MORT! VIVE GODARD! (Godard is dead! Long live Godard!) by presenting 67 films, thus offering a huge bouquet of images and sounds on the big screen. Those of his fathers, those of his friends and companions, those of his children. Howard Hawks, Marcel Pagnol, Robert Bresson, Ingmar Bergman, Alfred Hitchcock, Kenji Mizoguchi, Roberto Rossellini, Sacha Guitry, Jean Cocteau, Agnès Varda, Marguerite Duras, Anna Karina, Anne-Marie Miéville, Mitra Farahani, Martin Scorsese, Jim Jarmusch, Claire Denis, Leos Carax, Chantal Akerman.
An artist’s book accompanied the event. The idea was not to be academic, but rather to be playful, a small 40-page anthology: Ánthos ἄνθος from the Greek: flowers, and anthología ἀνθολογία: gathering flowers.
And because GODARD was an essayist, an archaeologist of images as he called himself, an inventor of forms through cinema, we will have flower-forms with the three primary colours. Like Barnett Newman’s or Ellsworth Kelly’s, colours which the artist Godard has on his palette: we will use the red as in La Chinoise, the blue from Yves Klein’s Anthropometries as in Pierrot Le Fou, and the solar yellow as in Le Mépris. To these three colours we will add the non-colours: white and black. Red for the earlier films (from his fathers), blue for JLG’s films, yellow for the later films from his friends and companions. The white and black will be filled with words, quotes and collages of images.
All the drawings are Ipad drawings
Limited edition: 500 copies available in French and German at the Kinemathek Hamburg