Notes on Runges Märchen (Runge’s Fairy Tales):
After making a film about Philipp Otto Runge, I continued to explore Runge’s cosmos by working on the two fairy tales he had transcribed in Low German in 1809. “The Fisherman and his Wife” and “The Juniper Tree”.The tales were then published by the Brothers Grimm in 1812.
For my artist’s book, I took fragments, sometimes only tiny elements, from his drawings, watercolours and playing card designs, and rearranged them with the help of the computer to create collages. I used his colour palette, added some fresh colours for harmonic contrasts, or created disharmonic effects in keeping with his colour theory. Each fairy tale is written in its original language, Low German, and in German.
I addition to the book, I created a radio play and an audio book for each fairy tale.
RUNGES’ Fairy Tales (German only) – Radio Play & Audiobook
Written by: Philipp Otto Runge
Directed by: Nathalie David
Music by: Vladyslav Sendecki
Song by: Ursula Wittich
Sound Recording: Loft Studios Hamburg
Foleys & Sound Mix: Clemens Endress
With the Voices of:
Hildegard Schmahl, Hermann Book, Patrycia Ziolkowska, Werner Grassmann, Edith Adam, Katharina Gröger
Commissioned & Funded by: Philipp Otto Runge Foundation
Published by: Dölling und Galitz Verlag
ISBN: 9783862181070