As a foreigner in Germany with little knowledge of the language, I never could understand the words repeated at all underground and overland train stations in Hamburg. What was I supposed to do: in or out? I was uncertain, and worried about obeying the words uttered by the dark voice of the conductor. 
Stay back please!
Should I go in or stay out? 
I couldn’t understand the meaning.

The line disappeared from Hamburg’s local transport system and was replaced by a sound in 2014. In Berlin, there is now a computer-generated voice. When I was thinking about the subject of “exile” with regard to the political situation of refugees from all over the world, I again came across Stay back please. 
Because some countries are willing, and others are opposed. Some countries have closed their borders. 
Back – Stayback – Stay back – Stay 
Some countries have opened their borders: please stay 
Others have not: back

Dörte F. Meyer and me made this short film like a statement.
No real camera, just an iPad. Events that could be recorded quickly on the street. We shot in the woods. The woods are the same wherever you go. It could be anywhere, running away towards the city. From nature to civilisation. People fleeing from their homes, from their countries. We were our own performers. We staged our movements based on the subject.

Written & Directed by: Nathalie David
Idea: Dörte F. Meyer, Nathalie David
Cinematography & Animation: Nathalie David
Sound Collage: Nathalie David
Voice Over: Ulrike Klein, Hermann Book, Nathalie David, Uschi Wittich

Screenings & Recognition:
The film was presented as part of the Altonale in Hamburg at the DFM Boutique and was nominated.